Equipping the saints to do the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ - Ephesians 4:12

Waymaking back into the sheepfold…

About us:

The WayMaker Foundation (TWF) is a St. Louis, Missouri based non-profit organization which primarily helps provide a way for individuals to grow their personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. At TWF, we provide the financial means and support for the elect to pursue God’s calling by partnering up with other ministries and organizations across the USA. Our mission is to answer God’s call of making his kingdom known and helping his people walk the path that leads to it.

Jesus leaves the ninety-nine sheep in order to save the one, and we commit in following his footsteps. At TWF, we are servants of Christ who are determined to help him save his lost sheep.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8

Meet the WayMaker Team

Mark Church - Chairman of the Board

As a young boy, baptized Presbyterian, I walked confidently in Jesus Christ. As the years passed, I lost my way as the pull of ‘the world’ slowly began replacing my faith. I went much of my mid-years living a secular life, no longer pursuing a life in Christ. I had considerable success in my career, but I had lost the joy and peace that I had as a boy. I tried to recapture those things by pursuing worldly pleasures only to come up empty. It wasn’t until I realized what was missing - a relationship with Jesus Christ. When I turned back to Jesus and recommitted my life to Him, everything fell into its rightful place. I was home, where I belonged. I thank God every day for His grace, for making a way for sinners like me to regain His favor. I won’t make the same mistake twice; the world is dead to me and Jesus is alive. God put it on my heart to start this foundation so that others can experience the same grace that is available to all. Hopefully, the works of this foundation will help you in your relationship with the Lord, or maybe you're reaching out for the first time. Either way, Jesus is waiting with open arms. It’s up to you to step into them. God bless.

Favorite Verse = Matthew 11:28 - “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Jakob Church - Co-Chairman of the Board

Oh boy. What a whirlwind of a journey God has brought me on in such a short period of time. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ since Dec. 2019 and have sacrificed my life to serving my Lord and Savior. The calling was clear. After my college years, I felt a strong sense of purposelessness. I took some time to take account of my life and I couldn’t put my finger on anything fruitful or productive. This was due to many years of selfishness and consumption. I hurt many people and didn’t have any true or deep relationships in my life. God used this for good. It was with this reality that he spoke. He told me that relationships were the meaning of life. Because I am precious and honored in God’s sight and he loves me, he will give men in exchange for my life. God values relationship above all else and I intend to dig deeper into what God values. I currently live in Columbus, OH with my beautiful wife, Katie. We are involved in local ministry where we are involved in the lives of people and are determined to share the gospel and disciple young followers in Christ. Fun fact. I summitted Mount Kilimanjaro. I love to hike and travel :)

Life verse = Matthew 6:33 - ”But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then everything else will be added to you.”

Dennis Stahl - Board Member

My name is Dennis Stahl and I am pleased to be a part of The Waymaker Foundation. I was an infant baptized in San Antonio in January of 1952 at Good Shepard Lutheran Church. I presently reside with my wife Anna on South Padre Island, TX near the Texas/Mexico border. We had a successful business career, and are now retired. We have lived in many cities, mostly in Texas including Houston and San Antonio. I would describe my spiritual journey as a bit rocky and I lost my way a few times, but I’ve always come back to love and cherish God’s grace. The only way to true salvation is through Jesus Christ.

Life verse = Matthew 28:19 - “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Vicki Church - Secretary

I have always considered myself a “Christian” when asked, simply because I had a rudimentary understanding of Christianity and believed in God. Throughout my life, however, I've wavered from these beliefs and feelings and became enthralled in the World and what it had to offer, which basically led to no accountability for my actions. Slowly questions began to enter my mind (many because of my husband’s faith) and I started to pay attention to what was happening in my life and how it was affecting me spiritually. When I began to open myself back up to the teachings of Christ, I started to see Him working in my life in so many glorious ways. I realized I had turned from Him, but he had never turned from me. I am finally beginning to see the righteous values that God has commanded of us and now want to put these values to work in my life so I will find my ’treasure’. I believe that The Waymaker Foundation is one such way to show God his glory while also helping others, as He so often commands of us in scripture. Through The Waymaker Foundation, I can glorify God and also help to lead others to find value in themselves by living a life where Christ is exalted above all else.

Favorite Verse = Philippians 2:3 - "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves”

Hannah Church - Treasurer

I began my walk with Christ about three years ago, officially becoming a new creation on Easter 2021. I lived a secular life up until the day I walked into White Flag Church in Oakville, Missouri and it has completely changed my life. I discovered my faith through some hardships and realized that I was constantly seeking fulfillment in this life that only Christ can fill. I am grateful for these hardships, as it has allowed me to see the ways God has been working through me, even when I wasn’t aware. Today, I try to lead a life that honors God’s glory and showcases to others what He can do in their lives if they invite Him in. It is my mission as a disciple of Christ to bring as many people to the light as I can, and I try to uphold that standard to the best of my ability. I live in peace, knowing God is with me, and with that I can do anything.

Life Verse = Isaiah 54:10 - “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on you.”